Experience > personalization
Step 1
I'm listening to you…
Example: The story of Miling Tang
"My world revolves around my family...
I have had a lot of health problems since I was little. I have 5 sisters and 2 brothers. They gave me a lot of support.
Because of my health problems, it was not easy to get married and have children.
I feel grateful that I enjoy my family life and today I even have a granddaughter !
My sisters and brothers left Hong Kong years ago.
Occasionally I visited them in different countries. The trips reminded me of my childhood days when I spent a lot of time with them. It is a great pleasure today to remember those days.
I would like to travel again and explore the world because life is a journey and you have to go all the way!"
Miling TANG – Hong Kong 2022
Step 2
I draw three proposals…
Example: The 3 proposals for Miling Tang
Step 3
You choose
Example: The choice of Miling Tang
Step 4
I take action to produce
I finalize the enamel painting on the urn for its ultimate appearance.
A final confirmation from you...
And the work is fired at high temperature in the furnace.
The history of your life will thus last eternally.
Unique and authentic: your last home