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A cat with long teeth


un chat à dents de sabre, datée d'il y a 32 000 ans

In 2020, scientists found a mummy of a juvenile sabre-toothed cat.

It has a history of more than 35,000 years.

This frozen kitten gives us a better understanding of the origin of cats.

Its real look was very different from what we see in the cartoons:

The upper lip of this frozen kitten was twice as large as that of a

lion cub we see today.

This allowed the curved sabre-shaped canine tooth were concealed by the upper lips instead of protruded from the mouth when closed.

Despite its young age (only three months old when it died), it had a wide, long neck and muscular forelimbs which would have allowed him to hunt alone.

Another surprising discovery is the color of its hair. It was reddish and plain with no spots or stripes that provided camouflage in its living environment, for protection and hunting purpose.

Thus, this little cat had no carpal pads. Its legs were rather round in shape, like a bear.

Perhaps it was better for them to walk on the snow.

What a revolution for our image of cats!

Source :

Les scientifiques ont comparé le bébé chat à dents de sabre momifié (en haut) avec un

lionceau moderne (en bas).

Les scientifiques ont comparé le bébé chat à dents de sabre momifié (en haut) avec un
lionceau moderne (en bas).

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